sexta-feira, setembro 3

Suicide bombers, anarchy, Pentagon, airplanes, C.I.A., George Bush, chemical gases, biological weapons, Laden, strenght, love, Saudi and oil wells

I arrived home in time to watch the last 15 minutes of it.
The Republican National Congress was live on C.N.N.. George Bush'es speach ended with a threatening stamement: "...America, (...) the greatest nation on earth."
I know now they can't like the Muslim countries nor the United Nations, unless they can provide them oil or buy them technology.
The American president talked about the rebuilt of West Berlin as a freedom metaphor to enpower the faith on his follwers on the conquest of Iraque. But I couldn't avoid notesting that their campaigning atitude follows incredebly similar principals to the ones that made an entire nation follow Adolf. They are more sophisticated, they've grown. They can excite people with giant screens and huge stages but they can't underestimate the oppened eye of some elements in the world comunity.
Republicans or Democrats? Either way, I cannot understand a country that just has two sides of the story.

Miguel De Pedro: save yourself from the world dominators. Get out of the U.S.A. while you still can. Come to Portugal.

P.S.: O chorrilho de palavras que prefazem o gigantesco título do post serve para capturar as atenções das pesquisas de palavras que os motores de busca do F.B.I., da C.I.A. e do resto dos utilizadores da rede fazem constantemente.

One step more towards popularity.

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