terça-feira, setembro 14

Back to Porto, back to disco...

Four hours in a train to be here in time to meet Marc didn't stopped me from going to a nightclub so crowded that someone had to have the courtesy of putting a cigarrete out between my mouth and my nose...
Before that (in Aniki) I had some time to exchange a few words with one of the owners of the newest experimental and electronic portuguese CD label called "meifumado". He told me about this new project, and from what I could understand they will edit three or four new albums before the end of this year. One of the owners has a project named Type and edited already for the Nylon label. If you're still interested check out www.meifumado.org

At the disco: Compact Discothéque by Nuno Coelho and António Alves.
There were ravers, fine arts teachers, V.J.s, lawyers, designers, fine arts students, music producers, drunk old men, straight guys and there were even the regular guys and girls... We tried to dance for about one hour but we got pushed and burned so many times that we had to quit and return home without listening to the recently bought Club Hits 2001 that contains Blaze's theme (To my beat). Not even my girlfriend arguments convinced Nuno to play it. Dispite all this unconveniences I had a nice time at that club and I can tell you that, at least for me, it was a good rehearsal for the real rentrée that will happen at HiTeCa or, if not there, at the Fine Art School First Party. (Get ready for Costello).

Can I ask:: Why do you write in english ?!
Special listeners?
Hard Back to Triplex Compact...Gigi come back soooon!
Para além da música estar difícil conseguiram me acertar em cheio com pelo menos 3 bocados de cerveja... bastante refrescante!
Quanto ao HiTECA promete...
Ass:: Lola
Isto tá em inglês carago!!!
Então andas pelo Porto e vens ver o Granito. Hmmmm...
Quem serás?

Esquece a puta Gigi, ouve Techno pela manhã.
As putas a mim não me metem confusão... e têm nomes engraçados > Gigi > Lola > Rebecca > Brígida > Paloma > Garbo > Diva > Lina, Felina > Persa, Alpersa...>
já não posso dizer o mesmo do Techno ~~~ quando é mau, doi mesmo!
Vamos lá ver hoje...
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